Where does it live? It live in sahara desert on the African continent which is consider largest in the whole world. They are likely to burrow itself and live in dust to stay away from most predator.
What does it eat? In the wild, they are generally eat some small insect but they also eat vegetable.
Reference picture: Sand Cat Sahara Team
About thier mating systems: thier mating system is unusaul and quite confuse with fighting. After pregnant for 19 - 21 days. The female give birth to a pups gerbil around 3 - 6 pups. and they will automatically mature when they was 2 month.
Wanna try raising its?
Let's find your good friend here: https://www.facebook.com/LittleBunny9955/
Reference: https://animalia.bio/fat-tailed-gerbil#google_vignette